Jennifer Moye – Founder & President

Jennifer is the wife to an Airman and homeschooling mom to three rambunctious boys. With excitement on a daily basis and grace around every corner, she believes we are meant to live this life in community with others and with the mercy to mess up and try again….and again. Being a mom is hard, but it is also a divine calling we can have in this life. She has spent much of her life in ministry with her core passion being that we learn to glorify our God in our marriage, our parenting, and in our everyday lives.
God planted the seed of Rooted in Jennifer’s heart after He brought something called Holy Yoga into her life. She was living with a myriad of health issues and chronic pain, paired with a marriage under attack and young children needing every ounce of her energy. In a time when she felt God telling her to “rest”, Holy Yoga was the vehicle in which He taught her how.
Jen has over 24 years of content creation, project management, and leadership experience with over 35 ministry organizations/businesses.
In obedience to a call she felt laid on her life, Jennifer founded Rooted: A Gathering Place In 2019.
Deb Blackburn – Vice President

Through Deb’s 30 years as a military wife, she has learned a lot! Perhaps one of the most important things she has learned is that we are not in control (oh, how she has learned that lesson), and we are not strong enough to tackle life on our own! God has shown her time and time again that if she can focus on living a life that will honor Him, great things will come! He has also taught Deb to seek and find tools to help her live out the Gospel in her everyday life.
Deb is a graduate of the Metropolitan State University of Denver with a bachelor’s degree in Biology, a minor in Ethics, and a certificate in Nonprofit studies. In 2019, she returned to school and earned a master’s degree in Communication Management (Organizational Development) and a master’s certificate in Organizational Leadership (Strategic Innovation and Change) from the University of Denver. She has spent most of her professional life focusing on nonprofit organizations and ministries and how to facilitate effective collaborations between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. When Deb is not working as an organizational consultant, she enjoys photography, cooking, reading, and spending time outdoors hiking or paddle boarding! Deb currently calls Colorado home and enjoys visiting family in British Columbia.
Megan Wozencroft – Board Member

Megan has always been intrigued by video since she was a child. She picked up her first video camera in high school, recording friends and making videos for fun. After high school, she put the camera down and picked it back up in 2017, when she started to serve with her church. Since then, she hasn’t put the camera down. She loves being able to view things from a different perspective through a camera. Sharing stories is her passion and what led her to create Marked Media, which leverages the power of social media to create purpose-driven connections between organizations and communities.
When Megan isn’t filming, she likes to go to local coffee shops with friends, pour over her coffee of choice, practice the bass, binge watch TV, listen to music, and do anything outdoors. She also doesn’t like cheese but loves pizza with cheese, but not extra cheese.